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About Us


I am Yash Raghavan, a 17-year-old student living in Amsterdam along with my parents. I was born & brought up in India. I lived in India for 9 years which is a developing country and for the last 8 years, I have been living in a developed country, The Netherlands. 


Growing up in different parts of the world has definitely helped me to have my own perspective of the world, which may be way different from others.   It did help me to learn to a certain extent, the need for the underdeveloped, developing part of the world & also learn how the developed world can contribute to it.


This is a page dedicated to all the people in the world who want to make a difference in our world and save our Mother Earth. Mother Earth is the reason we are alive in the first place and we all have a primary responsibility towards it to maintain it for future generations. I came up with this idea of creating a blog on simple things that we all can do when I was researching for an essay and I stumbled upon some facts/ figures about how plastic waste is killing sea animals.  

The Great Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi once said, " Be the change you want to See"... 

Yours truly 


Yash Raghavan

You can reach me:  

Joint email:


I am Aryan Narvekar, I am from India, I lived there for around 10 years in Mumbai, I arrived in the Netherlands in 2016 in the age of 10. Being a developed country, The Netherlands does provide more opportunities to succeed and that is what I am aiming for in life and this relocation hopefully will help in my journey.


One my idols is Sun Tzu.  Sun Tzu was a Chinese general, military strategist, writer and philosopher who lived in ancient China. Sun Tzu is traditionally credited as the author of “The Art of War “. Sun Tzu had ideas on how to concur your enemies which in the modern world may be used for resolving problems. For me this website is the way of getting to know the challenges that we face   and how we can change it from the darkest of the darkest paths to the brighter paths. This website also shows the power of ordinary people and what all can be achieve, if we stand together.


My motivation for this blog is to help identify, what people can do and change because there is more to life than becoming rich and popular. Anyone who is contributing to mother nature is a Hero in my eyes.

My honours,


Aryan Narvekar     


My email: 

Joint email:

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