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  • Writer's pictureAryan Narverkar

Deforestation Stumbling Block

Updated: Dec 28, 2022

What is Deforestation?

Deforestation is the removal or destructionof huge areas of forest or rainforest.

Forests are mitigating temperature change because they function as“carbon sinks,” meaning that they absorb CO2 that may otherwise escape into the atmosphere and worsen heating. It's estimated that 15 percent of the full gas emissions come from deforestation.

To fully understand the impact of deforestation we'd like to grasp the relevance of this extraordinary biome. The importance of forests can not be underestimated. We relyon forests for our survival, from the air we breathe to the wood we use. Besides providing habitable for animals and livelihoods for humans, forests also offer watershed protection, prevent erosion and mitigate temperature change.

Why does this happen?

Deforestation happens for several reasons,like logging, agriculture, natural disasters, urbanization, and mining.

For the foremost part, we are answerable for deforestation, though natural disasters do playa job. So why do humans deforest areas? Logging, or reducing trees in an exceedingly forest to reap timber for wood, products or fuel,could be aprimary driver of deforestation. Logging affects the environment in several ways. Since trucks and enormous equipment must get into the forest so as to access trees and transport timber, loggers must clear large areas for roadways.

You can contribute to the efforts against deforestation by doing these easy steps:

  • Go paperless

  • Plant a Tree where you'll be able to.

  • Buy recycled products and so recycle them again.

  • Buy certified wood products.

  • Support the products of companies that are committed to reducing deforestation. It’s all about business. If you don’t buy them,they'llbe encouragedto enhancetheir practices.

  • Your power as a consumer is significant to stopping deforestation.a bit like any business, if there’s no demand then the availability is less(lower).


Sources :

“Tropical Deforestation.” NASA, NASA,

“Deforestation: Facts, Causes & Effects.” LiveScience, Purch,

“Deforestation and Forest Degradation.” WWF, World Wildlife Fund,

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